A rich girl, Lili (Anna Fonsou), hangs out with a group of young people who violently contest the established rules and values. Lili also despises her sister (Viveta Tsiouni), and her hatred drives he...
The industrialist Nikos Valeris is a man with two lives and two women. The legal one, is rich and the mother of their daughter Eleni. The other one is poor and has an illegitimate son, Vangelis, who b...
Alexis breaks up his engagement when he finds out that his fiancée has an affair with a former lover. He fights with his father, who was hoping to get some money from the girl’s dowry to get back o...
Tasia (Nantia Chorafa) wants to be called Nancy and tortures her two brothers (Mimis Fotopoulos and Giannis Malouchos) by refusing to marry Vasilis (Michalis Nikolinakos), who truly loves her. She bri...
A family man (Vasilis Diamantopoulos) falls in love with a young woman (Daisy Mavraki) and pushes himself and his family to extreme situations.
A family man (Vasilis Diamantopoulos) falls in love with a young woman (Daisy Mavraki) and pushes himself and his family to extreme situations.